Psalms 91:1 no matter the translation or language there is power and peace in dwelling in the presence of God.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
No matter the language the covering of God is still the same.
The greatest thing I have is not a possession but a possessor. I get to wake up everyday in the covering of God. Yes I still have bad days but even then I am still covered. And this is what every Christian should experience. I use to think I had to do great things to feel complete, worthy and valid but I found out it is not what I do that matters but where I dwell, live and make my place of habitation. When I moved from seeking happiness to dwelling in the presence of God life changed. Today I pray that we all feel this joy and peace. Lord I pray for everyone that reads this post. Lord I pray that they can dwell in you and find their hiding place in your presence. Lord I pray that every false expectation be broken off of us today. Lord teach us to hear your voice even in the midst of confusion. Lord teach us to take rest in you. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Morning Pray.
Lord God the Most High God we glorify you today and we come with hearts of repentance for any wrong thoughts, action and motives we have had this week. Lord we thank you for everything you have done for us in our lives up to now and we trust you for the things we will need in the future. Lord we lift up the names of all the sick people around us and we trust you as their and our healer. God we pray for marriages today that your protective hand covers them.
We pray for families today that the confusion that the enemy may try to cause be exposed and that the family is saved and safe.
Lord we pray for those that have lost loved ones today that their hearts be comforted by your love and grace. And that they remember earthly death is not the end of life but it is the beginning of life eternal.
Lord we pray for blessing of provision so that every believer has what they need to sustain them in the Name of Jesus
Monday, July 6, 2015
Morning Prayer
Lord We pray for Guidance. health, strength, protections and provision this morning. We pray that your hand leads us to the things that please you. In Jesus name we pray amen.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
God skillfully Created you for such a time as this
Monday, June 29, 2015
Living a balanced life.
Many of people have entered new phases of life only to find themselves feeling burnt out or overwhelmed. Either we spend all of our time working, ministering or trying to take care of our families and the minute we master one area we find other areas of life falling apart. Our lives become out of balance. As a Pastor that works a full time job, has a family and desires to broaden my vision of life this is a major issue. I would focus on church and work would suffer, so I would focus on work and my family would suffer. It was a never ending cycle that had me ready to throw my hands up. That was until I realized I was trying to please everyone and in reality my busy schedule pleased no one not even the one that matters most God. So I had to remember the only that knows how much time I will spend on earth should be the one that I go to when doing my schedule because he truly know what can and can not be completed. So today I prayed "Father what do you want me to accomplish this week?" The. I began to prioritize what was most important on the list. Something I simply won't be able to fit in my schedule. But I must remember I was intintially created by my Heavenly Father with a purpose in mind and the enemy of my soul would love to keep me so busy and stressed out that the purpose is never fulfilled. (Jeremiah 29:11 AMP )For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Mighty God
Oftentimes when we are in the midst of a struggle or battle we can't immediately see or understand how God can fix the situation. What we forget is our God is the CREATOR that means he can do things that we can fathom let alone know how to pray for. This is why we must pray in faith believing in Gods ability to do and not our ability to understand. (Ephesians 3:20 AMP)Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]–
Talk to the Lord.
We often times will find ourselves in the midst spiritual battles,as the enemy of our souls desires to steal, kill and destroy. But we must keep our eyes focused on the Lord in prayer. When you are overwhelmed call your prayer partners, they don't have to know what is going on but they can pray your strength so that you can get to a place of prayer yourself. Things will happen but don't fret, give it to the Lord in prayer and he will give you his peace.
(Philippians 4:6-7 AMP)Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Friday, April 24, 2015
I am yours
Lord I belong to you. All that I have it ever will be is in your hands, and in this I am grateful. As I see others fighting to establish a name for themselves I find peace in knowing that I belong to the name above every name. And you oh Lord have pre-ordered my steps.(Psalms 24:1 KJV) The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
In God We Trust
Today's encouragement.
Remember today that God is your provider. Throughout your life Satan will tempt you to be your own source and He will try to get you to trust in your own abilities and the abilities of others. But you must remember God is your source for healing, provision, direction and Joy. So don't trust self or others to be your source TRUST GOD. So Take a deep breath. And pray this prayer. Lord God forgive me for putting my faith in myself, for I know it is you that enables me to do All Things. Lord I lay my needs before you and I take peace in knowing you love me and you have plans that are good for my life. So I choose to walk in faith in you, for You alone are God.
(Luke 4:2-4 KJV)
Jesus quoted from
(Deuteronomy 8:3 KJV)
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
I need you Jesus.
Jesus I need you. As believers we must remember that there is really a Redeemer of our Souls his name is Jesus. He welcomes in all those who put their trust in him (surrender their lives). This sounds simple but when a sinner does this he changes his citizenship and thus not only does He or she receive a new covering (heavenly Military) they Also receive Kingdom Benefits. Remember their is also a enemy of our souls and he desires us to live outside the Kingdom by listening to his commands and desires. He wants believers to renounce their citizenship by living by the rules of the Kingdom of this world. He does not mind us attending church and singing songs as long as we don't truly surrender to God. He Says to Us "Just Do You". Don't do you but instead let Gods Will Be Done In You.
O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (Romans 7:24 KJV)
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Thank you Jesus
When I think about what Jesus did for our spiritual freedom I just can't thank him enough. As I sit here at 3:50am knowing I have to preach tomorrow. I keep getting tears in my eyes thinking about the suffering he went through so we could be redeemed. There is nothing that gets me excited like Jesus. Not the final 4, the super Bowl nor the NBA finals. In each of those games someone has to loose (ask UK) but in Jesus wining and loosing is a choice and it is not based on our abilities but it is based or our accepting what has already been done. No amount of money in the World can get me to compromise my love for Jesus. It would be great to have great wealth but much better to have blessed assurance. I would hate to prosper on earth and be bankrupt for eternity. The Gospel message is not houses and land (these things within themselves are not bad unless they become our idol "focus") the Gospel message is about eternal life with Christ. Time to get back to the Salvation message. People will talk about you if you live holy but don't sweat it they talked about Noah up until the time he set sail and they drowned "Oh Well". Time to spread the Gospel of Jesus and stop promoting the Gospel of self. We would not die to self or die for anyone else but Jesus the Christ Died for us so let's start living for him. Much love.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Anything to Hard for God?
We love to read and even quote the scriptures when we encounter someone that needs an emotional lift. But what happens when we are faced with life's circumstances that cause us to have to walk out the Word for ourselves? I have seen some of the most on fire Christian revert back to thinking and doing things they did before they got saved because they let fear come in where faith should be standing. If we live long enough we will face difficulties but we must always keep in mind that there is nothing to Hard for our God. Death does not even have dominion over a believer because Jesus took away the sting of death. It's time to live and enjoy life no matter what we are going through. Each day is a gift and eternity is a promise. Have a blessed day
Scripture to meditate on
(Genesis 18:14 KJV)Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Lord that's too Hard
We can do Church. We like to sing and dance for the Lord and we love to encourage others. But when we are faced with the application of the gospel in our own lives we say "God that's too hard". When we have a sick loved one that dies and we are told to still trust and believe God. When someone had wronged us and God tells us to forgive them. When people are spreading lies about us and God tells us to keep our mouths closed and not respond, to these things we often say "Lord that is too hard".
But think about this, God is almighty and he knows his plans for you and he knows everything about you. It is understandable for a non-believer to say " I can't do that or that is too hard" because they are living without a PROMISE. But you and I have been given a promise from our Savior and he Knows the thoughts and plans he has concerning us,so instead of saying "That too hard" we should say yes Lord and stick to the sure plans of God. If we deny others forgiveness we are actually denying ourselves the freedom that Jesus the Christ has paid for. Unforgiving people have to self medicate(Drugs, Alcohol, sex, pride, and being argumentative) to function day by day. But Christ freed people can enjoy life simply being "high" in the spirit and presence of God.
Don't talk about be about it!
Saturday, March 28, 2015
See the you that God sees
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. (Numbers 13:33 KJV)
For many of us we defeat ourselves because we fail to understand the awesome power that God has put in each of us. We look in the mirror and we see our past failures, defeats and struggles. And we fail to see the wonderful creations God has made us to be. In this scripture the children of Israel had been handed a land by God but they did not enter in because they saw themselves as being small and perceived that was how their enemies saw them as well even though God has already secured the victory.
How many victories have you and I forfeited because we failed to see that the battles was already won. And we failed to see who we are in Christ Jesus. We quit jobs because we thought we were going to get fired. We surrendered to enemies because we thought they were stronger than we were. WE MUST stop speaking death over the victories that God has placed in our hands. Your past failure should not have the authority to derail your future triumphs. Get over your past and live in the freedom and Victory in Christ Jesus.
Friday, March 27, 2015
A half hearted pursuit
Many times I meet people that are angry with God because he did not do things the way they wanted him to. Marriage have fallen apart, loved ones did not get healed, jobs have fallen through and they shake their fist at God like he has failed them. We expect God to jump and move for us but when it comes our time to move we give a half hearted move that we would not accept from our own children but we think it is good enough for God.
Guess what things will look bad at times but God has a plan. Guess what to be absent from the body is to be present with God (he has a plan). With every temptation God makes away of escape(he has a plan).
When things get hard don't abort your faith just remember God has a plan. STICK TO THE PLAN because GOD IS. YOUR VICTORY IS IN FOLLOWING HIS PLAN
This is what the LORD says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. (Jeremiah 29:10-13 NLT)
Monday, March 2, 2015
What if your fears no longer had authority
Often times when I meet people they tell me why they have not been able to achieve their goals or dreams and the conversation often starts out with how life has not been fair to them. Then I see a video from Nick whom was born with no arms or legs and he is a motivational speaker. Many of us have awesome gifts inside of us but we often mistake our blessing for curses. We see hurdles not as something that we have to lift ourselves above but as road blocks and detours of life. The fact is many of the things that we let hold us back are actually things that should strengthen us. Just as a weight lifter uses weights to build body mass, muscle and strength, our trials, adversities and "handicaps" should build character, endurance and Get-up-and Go in the hearts of believers. We say God makes no mistakes and that he makes no junk but we live clutter in Gods Blooper reel. You were hand crafted and purposed for Gods will. His plans are sure and everything that looks like a miscalculation on Gods part actually works together for the Good. So in closing don't let anything cripple you for what you are called to do.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Even Parents need Grace
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (Ephesians 2:8 KJV)
When I was a kid I expected my parents to be perfect,they were supposed to do only good towards me. I expect my parents to be perfect. Not understanding that parents are under grace themselves. Many of us as adults look back on our childhoods and we can see the places that our parents were not perfect, but what if we looked back with eyes of grace. Imagine what your kids will see when they reflect on you "Lord let them look with eyes of grace" the fact is none of us are perfect and we all need grace. And if we all need grace we should all be willing to extend it. So we must forgive all the people that have failed us and apply grace where needed.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
A clean Slate
We live in a world of do overs and fresh starts and we all love them.From a world view We have mulligans, bankruptcy, divorce, we switch job, change cars and get in new relationship in order to start order. Most of these only give the allusion of a temporary high.
As believer we have Jesus Christ who is the door to Life in the fathers arms. He welcomes us into a new start of life that begins with God forgiving us through the gift of salvation through Jesus. And then us forgiving others through the power of this same sacrifice through Christ. The fact is if we continue to hold unforgiveness in our hearts toward others we are not letting the work of Calvary have its perfect work in our hearts.
Today is a good day to let go and let God have HIS way in our hearts. LETS forgive while we still have time. Just as we want to start over with a clean slate we should extend a clean slate to others as well
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (Matthew 6:12 KJV)
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Re-Position your faith.
Many times in this life we loose focus, we begin to direct our faith toward our jobs, friends, spouses and the things we posses. The meaning of life is no longer about pleasing God our focus becomes taking care of ourselves no matter the cost. We become addicted to things, drugs, sex, power, gossip, Facebook, Television and many other things, because when God is no longer the focus we try to fill the void with things.
What if we truly allowed our hearts to rely and trust in and on God and we simply said Give us the day our daily bread (Matt6:11) we would move our faith from people, places and things to the King of kings and Lord of lords, life would be better for us.
I am not saying you should not work or save but what I am saying is you should not be a slave (controlled by or under the authority) people,places and things. God should always be your source and the focus of your Faith. Time to re-position our Faith
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Head and Heart
Proverbs 3:1 My son, forget not my law;But let thine heart keep my commandments:
Head knowledge. Many of us as believers have head knowledge when it comes to God. I mean we know a few scriptures and we go to church "Sometimes".
What we need is for that knowledge to work its way down from the head and begin to operate in our hearts. It is not until our hearts begin to desire the will of God that we really begin to have relationship and fellowship with The Master.
The hardest place to be is in a state where you have head knowledge (know a little scripture) but no heart knowledge( ability to walk about the scriptures that you know). This is a difficult place because you know right but can't get right so you are torn and you suffer.
When we have our hearts remastered by The Master we begin to desire the things of God and we can live in the peace of God.
Fall in love with Jesus and your life will have new meaning.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Don't give up
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13 KJV) this scripture is often quoted but not normally walked out. Paul in his journeys had learned how to face good times and lean times know that no matter the situation he would prevail because he knew through Christ he could do all things. You may be facing difficulties but believe that you can do all things through Christ. You may have lost a loved one but with Christ you will make it. Even if you feel suicidial don't end your life but know through Jesus Christ not only can you make it, you can also have a life filled with Joy. So in your lowest moments if you truly lean and depend on the Lord You will make it Because you can do All things through Jesus Christ that gives you strength.
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